Dismantling Systems of Oppression: Collective Liberation Through Disruptive Advocacy

On Thursday, June 30 at 6:30pm, we invite you to join Transinclusive Group and our community partners at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale as we present Dismantling Systems of Oppression – Collective Liberation Through Disruptive Advocacy. Register for FREE below!

The discussion will be moderated by Nik Harris, Director of Strategic Outreach and Engagement for the Human Rights Campaign, and panelists include Arianna Lint, CEO and Founder of Arianna’s Center; Tremaine Jones, Project Director of the LGBTQ Freedom Fund; Mary Eakins-Durand, Community Organizer and LGBTQ+ Advocate; and Sobourney Barnes, BSW, M.S. Marketing, LGBTQ+ Community Activist. This event is made possible with the support of Our Fund Foundation and AIDS Healthcare Foundation and is held in collaboration with community partners including Arianna’s Center, TransSOCIAL, The McKenzie Project, Black LGBTQ+ Liberation, ACLU Florida, Ujima Men’s Collective, LGBTQ Freedom Fund, Reflect Collective, PRISM, The Smile Trust, HRC South Florida, The Hollywood LGBTQ+ Council, World AIDS Museum, Keshet, Safe Schools South Florida, SAVE, The Pride Center, and SunServe.

This town hall and panel discussion centering BIPOC Trans and LGBTQ+ leaders and community activists will provide an opportunity to have intentional and necessary conversations that address several topics including:

• Building coalition and meaningfully engaging the community in the mission
• Disrupting and rethinking systems and structures within the nonprofit complex to find collaborative solutions for bringing about real, meaningful, and lasting change
• Ensuring that core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are implemented within systems as more than just buzzwords
• Addressing inequities in funding structures that hinder the growth and efficacy of grassroots organizations

Whether you’re a community member wondering how to get fully engaged in advocacy work; a nonprofit executive, staff member or volunteer ready to see change; an elected official or candidate who wants to know more about issues faced by constituents and organizations; or part of a corporate team wanting to commit to doing more, you won’t want to miss this impactful town hall.

ArtServe is located at:
1350 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304