Dismantling Systems of Oppression: Collective Liberation Through Disruptive Advocacy
On Thursday, June 30 at 6:30pm, we invite you to join Transinclusive Group and our community partners at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale as we present Dismantling Systems of Oppression – Collective Liberation Through Disruptive Advocacy. Register for FREE below!

This town hall and panel discussion centering BIPOC Trans and LGBTQ+ leaders and community activists will provide an opportunity to have intentional and necessary conversations that address several topics including:
• Building coalition and meaningfully engaging the community in the mission
• Disrupting and rethinking systems and structures within the nonprofit complex to find collaborative solutions for bringing about real, meaningful, and lasting change
• Ensuring that core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are implemented within systems as more than just buzzwords
• Addressing inequities in funding structures that hinder the growth and efficacy of grassroots organizations
Whether you’re a community member wondering how to get fully engaged in advocacy work; a nonprofit executive, staff member or volunteer ready to see change; an elected official or candidate who wants to know more about issues faced by constituents and organizations; or part of a corporate team wanting to commit to doing more, you won’t want to miss this impactful town hall.
ArtServe is located at:
1350 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304